Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Answers To Some Unanswered Medigap Questions

There are so many unanswered questions that arise when looking into Medicare Insurance and Medigap Supplemental Insurance Plans for the first time.  In previous articles we have covered why it is important to have a Medicare Supplemental Insurance and why prescription drug coverage is needed and able to be purchased separately. There are so many pieces to the Medicare puzzle that it is often easy to overlook something or to become confused.

One of the first things people are most confused and concerned about is when the best time is to purchase Medicare Supplemental Insurance Plans.  The best time to buy Medigap Insurance is during your open enrollment period.  The open enrollment period for Medicare and Medigap Supplemental Insurance Plans is from the first day of the month when you turn sixty five or older and enrolled in Medicare Part B.  

Eligibility requirements for Medigap Insurance are similar to that of Medicare with a few differences.  You can start applying for Medigap if you are sixty-five or older, or have a disability that allows you to be covered earlier, are enrolled in Medicare Part A and B and are a resident of the state where the policy is offered.  

So much can be discovered about Medicare and Medigap Supplement Plans.  It is important to be educated and make an informed decision when choosing a plan that will work best for your health history and future.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Know Your Options Before Purchasing A Medigap Supplemental Insurance Policies

Medigap Supplement Plans are different from Medicare in that they are policies that are offered by private insurance companies where as Medicare is offered through the government.  Medigap is purchased to do just what the name suggests, fill in the gaps left by Medicare Part A and Part B.

When you are looking into purchasing a Medigap Supplemental Insurance Policy it is important to realize that the policy you purchase should be designed to fit your needs.  This is why it is so important to compare the different plans available to your lifestyle to see which policy works best for you.

It is important to remember that Medicare Part A and Part B only pay for a portion of your care.  This includes part of the hospital care and physicians fees.  Medigap fills in for the services that are needed but not covered to help ensure complete coverage for seniors. One medical disaster without proper coverage could literally bankrupt some seniors living on a small limited budget.

It is worth the time to compare the Medigap Supplemental Insurance policies available in the market.  Remember that the policies that are sold by private insurance policies are all the same and regulated by the United States government. The price you pay may be different depending on the markup from each individual insurance companies but the coverage will always be the same.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Medigap Supplemental Insurance Plans

There are so many thing to think about as you approach your golden years; health insurance, age in place modifications and social security to name a few.  It is funny how many people cannot wait to reach the age of retirement but once there find that the myriad of issues affecting them when they were young and their families growing are replaced with issues that aging brings to the forefront.

The concerns of health insurance as you head into retirement age lead you to contemplate the world of Medicare and Medigap Supplemental Insurance plans. Medicare is offered by the United State Government as a guaranteed form of health coverage for those you qualify.  One of the most well known requirements is turning the magic age of sixty-five.

Medicare Part A is given free of premium to qualified individuals where as Part B is offered at a premium. These main parts of Medicare cover the basics such as hospital and doctors.  In order to be covered fully for medical incidentals and out of the country coverage you will need to look into Medigap Supplemental Insurance.

Medigap Supplement Insurance is can be purchased through private insurance companies at a monthly premium.  There are many different plans and packages to examine to determine which plan offers the best coverage to meet the long term needs of participants.  Compare plans and view rates for Medigap Supplemental Insurance anytime online at

Finding the best Medigap Supplemental Insurance Plan; Make the Most of Medicare!

They say a picture is worth a thousand words - but an education is worth a million. When it comes to dealing with insurance companies, a little education could be worth drastically more than that. Every day, more and more people - the baby boomer generation - are becoming eligible for Medicare, and will need to wade through the morass of coverage available to seniors through various insurance agencies. And there is no shortage of people to tell you what to do with your money; when it comes to buying Medigap Supplemental Insurance Plans, though, it is best to deal with someone who is an advocate for you, not the insurance companies and other corporations which make their money off directing you to a specific set of insurers.

That is not the mission of Senior Health Direct. For over twenty years, this agency has been focused on Medicare and Medigap programs and insurance products in the senior market. Early on, Senior Health Direct recognized that internet sales would increase exponentially. While most of the net is simply designed to sell a product, their plan is to provide the customer with a one stop portal for buying and understanding what can be a confusing array from a variety of companies offering Medigap Supplement Insurance Policies.

Senior Health Direct's mission is to help you navigate the Medigap supplemental insurance policies that you will be exposed to; they will help you evaluate the different plans available in your area, and work to secure you better rates than you could normally get, and to easily check the rates from various companies that operate in your area. Their job is to be an advocate for all their customers - not the insurance companies, but you, and to help you choose the best product at the best price.

When it comes to getting Medigap supplemental insurance plans, Senior Health Direct has a series of high value videos which will allow you to quickly learn the ins and outs of the Medicare and Medigap system. These videos should answer nearly any questions you might have, but they also have an excellently trained staff standing by at their number, 855-696-3344. Once you enter a bit of information, it is also very easy to shop the rates of the companies that offer this insurance in your area. This is the best way, along with comparing exact service details of the plans, for an individual to make the best choice.

Don't base your insurance needs on the first insurance company you talk to - look at them and learn about the different policies and you will have a much better experience both in the short term and in the long term.

Senior Health Direct has made it their goal to act as an advocate to you, not the insurance companies, and your happiness is their success. They have a multi-step process to make sure that you are getting the exact coverage you need, and will help you wade through the fine print of any of the contracts which are available.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The Ins and Outs of Medicare

The world of Medicare is one in which is ever changing and always a bit confusing for those embarking on it for the first time. Below is a quick guide to enrolling in Medicare and Supplemental Insurance Plans.

When it comes to Medicare Part A enrollment is fairly easy as this is something you don’t have to actively participate in.  Once you become sixty five you are automatically enrolled in the program if you have elected to receive Social Security or a railroad retirement disability.  If you are holding off on receiving social security it is super simple to fill out and file an application.  You can call and have one sent or go to the government site which offers information about Medicare.

Medicare Part B is also a plan in which participants are automatically enrolled when participants become eligible. Part B of Medicare is one that is optional and can be declined.  Part B requires a monthly premium be paid for coverage.  Remember you may have to apply for coverage if you are not receiving social security are employed by the government or have kidney disease.

You are only able to enroll without penalty if you enroll during open enrollment.  Three months before participants turn sixty five and three months after is the period in which open enrollment for Plan B takes place.  After that or if you previous declined insurance there is a ten percent plan increase per twelve month period you could have signed up but didn’t.  This changes however if participants are covered under a separate group health plan in which case you have up to eight months after that coverage ends as open enrollment for Medicare Part B.

The Medicare Advantage Plan takes the place of Medicare Part A, Part B and Supplemental Medicare Insurance.  You can take part in this plan or stop taken part of the Medicare Advantage program during the annual coordinated enrollment period which is November 15th through the 31st of December.  While Medicare Part A and B are enrolled through Medicare direct the Medicare Advantage plan requires enrollment through individual companies that offer the plan. 

Next is the step involving supplemental plans.  In order to purchase a Medigap policy you must be enrolled in Medicare coverage.  Enrolling in Medigap begins on the first day of the first full month that you are sixty five or have enrolled in Part B Medicare and ends after six months.  This is the period in which an insurance company must waive all exclusions such as pre-existing conditions and accept all participants.  The must also allow your coverage to begin immediately.  After the six months insurers have the right to deny selling you a particular Medigap Supplemental Plan.

This article contains the basic enrollment information for the general arenas for Medicare.  There are other areas to consider such as prescription drug coverage plans, otherwise known as Medicare Part D.  For more in depth information is a good idea to contact an insurance agent that sells Medicare Supplemental Plans.  They will be able to guide you through the complex maze of Medicare and all that encompasses it. 

The Basics of Medicare and Medigap Insurance

Medicare originally is understood to be Part A, which is hospital insurance and Part B, which is medical insurance.  This original coverage allows for many but not every medical or health related service and supply.  There is insurance available, called Medigap or Medicare Supplemental Insurance that covers expenses that are not covered under the general Medicare Part A and Part B. 

This includes things such as copayments, coinsurances, deductibles and expenses when traveling outside of the United States.  Believe it or not the out of pocket expenses can add up very quickly and before you know it you could have easily paid the monthly premium of a Medicare Supplement Plan.

Many Medicare participants don’t understand exactly how Medicare and Medigap work together.  First it should be understood that when you do choose a Medigap policy, Medicare will still pay their approved share upfront and then the Medigap policy pays its share of the cost.  

It is best to understand that Medigap policies are sold by private insurance companies. The policy itself is the same no matter who sells it however the cost to participants might change. When you buy Medigap Plan G at one insurance company is the exact same coverage you will receive through another insurance company. The difference being the premium you pay them to offer you the insurance. This is one of the reasons it is so important to do research before settling on a Medigap plan and provider. 

Each plan covers a variety of services to their participants. Below is a list of options you should look for when choosing a Medigap policy to suit your diverse needs.

·         Inpatient Hospital Care: This piece will cover the coinsurance for Medicare Part A not the deductible though.
·         Medical Costs: This piece will cover the coinsurance for Medicare Part B and copayments for hospital outpatient services. This can save a lot of money as the coinsurance amount left from Part B is twenty percent of the Medicare approved amount.
·         Blood: Believe it or not without a Medigap policy, blood is not covered.  The right Medigap policy will cover the first three pints of blood you need each year.
Other benefits that are included in Medigap Policies can include a variety of services some of which are in the list below.
·         The annual hospital deductible
·         Coinsurance for skilled nursing facilities
·         The annual deductible for Medicare Part B
·         During travel abroad emergency care coverage
·         Recovery at home
·         Care not covered by Medicare
·         Excess charges from the doctor above and beyond the pre-approved Medicare amount

If you are enrolled in the Medicare Advantage Plan you will not purchase Medigap insurance. It is unnecessary as the items covered by the Medicare Advantage Plan are equivalent to the items covered within MedicareSupplemental Insurance.   If you would like more information on Medicare and Supplemental Insurance a great online resource is run through the government although you are not able to purchase Medigap policies directly through the government. To purchase a policy it is best to research insurance providers in your area that offer Medigap insurance.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Ensuring You Have The Coverage You Need

Purchasing health care coverage is one of the most daunting tasks.  Navigating through health insurance companies, choosing coverage and ensure you have received the best coverage at the best price, with the best service.  This is all a bit overwhelming.  It doesn’t get any easier dealing with Medigap supplement insurance plans either. There are a number of policies to choose from and a variety of private insurance companies willing to sell you the coverage.  This makes it all the more frustrating when seeking out coverage that makes since to fill in the gaps left by your Medicare Part A and Part B coverage. 

Medicare is government sponsored insurance for seniors who are eligible and have reached the age of sixty-five.  You can also become eligible for Medicare if you are under sixty-five and become permanently disabled.  The one issue that arises with Medicare coverage is that it does not cover everything.  To fill in these holes the government has come up with supplemental insurance policies that can be purchased on an individual basis.  These plans are meant to fill in the gaps that Medicare Part A, hospital insurance, and Medicare Part B, medical insurance, leave behind.

Medigap is the policies that are put into place to fill in the gaps in health care expenses left behind by Medicare.  Medigap plans are private and are offered by a variety if insurance companies. These policies pay for the minor details that add up quickly for seniors living on a set income.  Items such as co-pays, hospital stays and deductibles are not covered with Medicare. What happens in an ideal situation is that Medicare covers a majority of the expenses and your Medigap policy kicks into effect to cover what is left over.  This alleviates the out of pocket stress.  

One thing to remember with Medigap policies is that they are strictly regulated by state and federal laws that are designed to protect individual Medicare users.  There are a variety of Medigap plans to choose from and each is designated by a letter of the alphabet.  Don’t be fooled.  The plan coverage is the same no matter who sells the insurance.  Medigap Supplement Plan G is the same through company A, B or C.  The difference comes in the cost of the insurance to you.  

It is important to remember when comparing Medigap plans that the less expensive a plan has fewer benefits and higher out-of-pocket costs.  More expensive plans include extra benefits, like coverage for routine checkups, deductibles and at-home care services.  There are several sources online that allow you to compare Medigap plans and rates without giving personal information.  This tool is valuable especially during the introductory phases of enrolling in Medicare. 

Having health insurance coverage is a must to avoid becoming indebted to medical facilities.  Health insurance, including Medicare and Medigap supplemental plans alleviate the need to put off doctors visits or necessary surgeries until you can financially afford them.  With coverage there is no need to worry about catastrophes.  You are covered.  Medigap ensure the same thing to Medicare holders.  The gaps are nothing to worry about when you have purchased insurance to fill in the holes left behind.